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Fidget Spinner
Collection: Stonehenge Gradations
Finished Size: 62” x 74”
WOF = width of fabric
All seams are sewn using a ¼” seam allowance
Fabric Requirements: Blue Planet TSTONE4249* or Graphite TSTONE4295** yardage
1 Tile Pack
Fabric A 39306-48 Fabric A 39306-94
10” squares) 1/2 yd
Fabric G 39301-49 Fabric G 39301-95
Cut 3 – 4 ½” x WOF strips Sub-Cut 20 – 4 ½” squares
Fabric C 39304-48 Fabric C 39304-94
7/8 yd Cut 6 – 1 ½” x WOF strips (Inner Border) Cut 7 – 2 ½” x WOF strips (Binding) 1 1/4 yds
Fabric F 39302-49 Fabric F 39302-95 4 yds
Cut 6 – 6 ½” x WOF strips (Outer Border) Cut fabric in half along length of fabric. Join the 2 – 72” x WOF pieces along the selvage edges. (Crosswise Backing)

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